#Weakauras hide out of combat update#
#Weakauras hide out of combat code#
You can return nil, it will be handled as an empty string.Ībove this code block in the interface is a setting "Update Custom Text On.":.If you do so they will be output in your text using %c1, %c2, and so on. value and total are repeated just to match argument positions with those with timed info.Įxpected return: return string.value - number The current value carried by dynamic Info, equivalent to the %p text replacement.total - number The total or max value, equivalent to the %t text replacement.health values) then: function(total, value, value, total, name, icon, stacks) If the trigger currently providing Dynamic Info uses "static" duration info (e.g. stacks - number The value carried by the Dynamic Info's Stacks, equivalent to %s.To display the Dynamic Info's icon in text, equivalent to the %i text replacement. icon - string A formatted string with the Escape Sequences needed.name - string Whatever string the active trigger carries on its Name Info, equivalent of the %n text replacement.2:03, equivalent of the %t text replacement. formatedDuration - string A formatted string showing minutes if applicable, e.g.progress - string A formatted string showing remaining duration, equivalent of the %p text replacement.duration - number The total number of seconds, e.g.expirationTime - number When the displayed timer will expire, relative to GetTime().buff duration) then: function(expirationTime, duration, progress, formatedDuration, name, icon, stacks)

The string(s) you return will be inserted into the message that you send.Īlthough it's likely that Custom Text functions in Actions will be much simpler than those in Display, all the info is the same so see below for extensive details.ĭisplay Custom Text Args If the trigger currently providing Dynamic Info uses "timed" duration info (e.g. This code block is accessed by using the Chat Message option, with %c in the Message text. If the Aura you're making produces clones, then this code block will run for each clone that hides and aura_env.state and aura_env.region will carry that clone's info. Then it will not run again until the Aura shows, and hides again. On Hide runs once when the Aura as a whole changes from being active to not being active.

If the Aura you're making produces clones, then this code block will run for each clone that is shown and aura_env.state and aura_env.region will carry that clone's info. Then it will not run again until the Aura hides, and shows again. On Show runs once when the Aura as a whole changes from not being active to being active.